New Music Release
Recently I was asked to pick top ten albums for the last five decades. Having to choose at least ten for every decade significantly changed the list compared to what it would be if the parameters were simply the best 50 albums over the past 50 years. If that were […]
My favorite top 5 albums of the last 20 years may surprise you. In fact, they surprised me! When the question was put to me though, I decided to decide on the basis of the five albums I had played the most without any regard to what I thought was […]
Bob Mould – touring behind his 9th solo album Life and Times hit Irving Plaza last night. Getting a breathless, relentless audio assault was not a surprise but the way he ended was…
Raconteurs are better than The Dead Weather or Brendan Benson‘s new one but that doesn’t mean both aren’t good albums.
Caught Cracker the other night at the Highline – good kind of show…a band that never got that popular playing at a good club that wasn’t too crowded. Lowery is smart, ironic, cool, world-weary and the unit has drifted amidst eclecticism and hookery to create a respectable amount of memorable […]
I love Welcome to the Cruel World and Fight For Your Mind but Ben has been often been boring and sometimes preachy since. The Innocent Criminals have stepped aside for the time being and we’ve got BH and the Relentless 7…