Blues singer and guitarist Jr. Mack resides at Terra Blues in the West Village when not frying bigger fish.

Blues singer and guitarist Jr. Mack resides at Terra Blues in the West Village when not frying bigger fish.
Recently I had the chance to interview Umphrey’s McGee – the Chicago stalwarts and ballsy newcomers Howler. It was the same day – Friday, […]
2 thoughts on “Jr. Mack Attack at Terra Blues”
I met Junior in 2010 at the Terra Blues Club and was fasinated by his playing and fanship of Jan Akkerman. In july 2012 i arranged a meet and greet between Junior and Jan at the North Sea Jazz Festival, where Heritage Blues Orchestra played in the Congo-podium, and they became friends forever. I’m very proud to tell everybody that Junior and Jan will play together at my venue Heyhoef-Backstage in my hometown Tilburg/Holland on May 9 2015!!!
That’s brilliant John, well done – sounds like a good excuse for a trip to my namesake country!